While Slovakia won the first Pillow insurance contract in 2024, the Czechia won this year to even the score. Who was the first to take out insurance and when?

First Czech contract 1:56

Less than two hours after midnight, the owner of a Škoda Rapid took out insurance for his car. Given the age of the vehicle (first registration in 2018), the owner was looking for the optimal MOD (Motor Own Damage) insurance. The client decided to insure such events that, as a good driver, he cannot always prevent. The insurance includes pillows Animal Collision, Natural Peril, Vehicle Theft and Vandalism. Assistance services are the second best – the option “Unlimited towing in the Czechia” ensures towing in the event of a traffic accident or breakdown throughout the Czechia and abroad to the nearest service station.

Compared to the first Czech contract concluded a year ago, the conditions for accepting insurance have changed significantly. The reason is the new law on motor third-party liability insurance. While a year ago it was enough to pay for the contract within 7 days of the requested start date and the insurance was valid from the agreed start date, the situation in 2025 is different throughout the Czechia. The insurance will not be valid until the payment reaches the insurance proposal. Until the money is credited, the insurance is not valid and after 7 days from the agreed start date the insurance proposal is completely cancelled.

For the first contract of 2025, the owner requested a start date of January 6 and paid for the contract immediately after the agreement. Thanks to Pillow’s digital processes and instant payment matching, the vehicle owner received the policy a few minutes after the agreement (exactly at 2:00 am). The contract is valid and the owner has had his vehicle insured exactly according to his requirements since January 6.

First Slovak contract 8:00

The first Slovak Pillow insurance of 2025 was created at exactly 8 am on New Year’s Day. The payment was made almost immediately, and so at 8:20 the client received the policy. The insurance advisor was a financial agent from “UNIVERSAL maklérsky dom” company.

The insured car was a Škoda Octavia Combi from 2021. In addition to compulsory third-part liability, the owner decided to insure some traffic accident risks, specifically the Animal Collision and Natural Event pillows. The advantage of Pillow is that both of these risks are always unlimited, and in the event of total damage, the entire usual price of the vehicle is paid. The useful unlimited insurance of all vehicle windows was also a must. Unlimited glass insurance is the most suitable from the perspective of client needs, there is never a risk that the client will have to pay extra for repairs from their wallet.

Record year 2024 for Pillow

Although at this point we do not yet know the final numbers of insured vehicles published by the Czech Insurance Company and the Czech Insurance Company, some results can already be estimated from the previous values. In Slovakia, Pillow became the fastest growing insurance company, growing from zero to more than 15 thousand insured vehicles in one year. In the Czech Republic, it scores not only in percentage growth, but also in absolute growth thanks to fair pricing based on kilometers traveled. In the first half of 2024, the number of compulsory third-party insurance increased by 21%, i.e. by more than 35 thousand vehicles.