While some people spend New Year’s Eve having fun and merriment, others start fulfilling New Year’s resolutions from the first minutes of the new year, such as getting more favorable liability insurance.

Only 12 seconds difference

Pillow insurance company traditionally publishes the time when the first Pillow insurance was taken out in the new year. This year, for the first time, she could compare this moment for Slovakia and the Czechia. It turns out that in both countries there are people who prefer to improve their portfolio of financial products, including insurance, instead of watching fireworks or New Year’s Eve shows on TV.

The first Slovak contract (more precisely, the contract proposal) was created on January 1, 25 minutes and 55 seconds after midnight. Even in the Czechia, those interested in insurance were not idle, and the first proposal was created 26 minutes and 7 seconds after midnight. The difference is thus only 12 seconds in favor of Slovakia. Both contracts were created using internet websites, one directly on the Pillow insurance website and the other using an internet comparison tool. Since it only takes a few minutes to arrange the insurance, it can be assumed that both clients started the process after midnight on New Year’s Day.

First insurance of the year

Similar to the way the height and weight of the first born babies are published, let’s look at the “parameters” of the first Pillow insurance of 2024. The insured vehicle is a Nissan Navara with a year of manufacture of 2013. Due to the age of the vehicle, the owner has no longer used the option to take out also MOD (Motor Own Damage insurance) insurance. For the MTPL (Motor Third Party Liability insurance), he chose a limit that already complies with the new minimum according to the European motor directive. Estimated mileage is 10 thousand km (+/- 500 km). If the vehicle drives fewer kilometers, Pillow will refund part of the money to the policyholder.

The choice of the Assistance pillow is also important. The vehicle is probably operated locally, so the owner appropriately chose a variant that ensures towing in the event of an accident or breakdown up to a distance of 50 km. A limit in kilometers is much more advantageous than a limit in crowns (or euros), which will become obsolete and insufficient over time due to inflation. The advantage of the limit in kilometers is also transparency – the driver knows exactly how much distance the insurance company will pay for him. He knows nothing about the limit in crowns. An advantage is also unlimited recovery of the vehicle off the roadway, which Pillow insurance company is the only one to offer for all variants of assistance.

An interesting detail reveals the insurance start date, which is set to April 1. Pillow insurance can be taken out with a delayed start of up to 3 months. Thus, the first of January was the first day that the owner of the vehicle could take out insurance with the given origin with Pillow, and he did exactly that. It only remains to add that the Nissan owner chose the annual payment frequency and thus took advantage of the highest discount for the payment frequency. Pillow wishes the Nissan Navara all the best for the new year and all the accident-free miles!