Press releases

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Pay-per-mile insurance is winning among the Czechs. Again

Currently published statistics of the Czech Insurers’ Bureau (ČKP) have already confirmed the increasing popularity of MTPL insurance priced according to mileage for several times in a row.

Pillow InsurTech celebrates double-billion success

Pillow insurance company has reason to celebrate big time! Exactly on June 6, 2024 it exceeded the size of one billion Czech crowns. Just a few days earlier (on 21 May), ...

European insurtech Pillow beats the famous American Lemonade

Annual reports tend to be boring documents full of numbers. But if you compare the results and the time series shown in them between different companies, there is no shortage of ...

An electronic green card will be sufficient for travelling in Europe

From next year, it will no longer be necessary to take a printed green card with you abroad, but an electronic version stored on a mobile phone will suffice. This was ...

First “green card” for skiers on mobile

Most skiers have heard that you need to take out liability insurance to hit the slopes in Italy. However, few people know that this insurance can be included to property insurance ...

Jakub Strnad (Pillow CEO) comments Czech insurance market development

Jakub Strnad, CEO and founder of Pillow, assesses the development of the Czech insurance market for the professional server (Original article here: How would you assess the development of ...

Pillow is the leader in innovations of the Czech insurance market

The level of innovativeness of each insurance company can be assessed in different ways. If we choose the most prestigious economic media in the Czech Republic, Hospodářské noviny, as the arbiter, ...

MTPL 2023 Czech market: pay-per-mile products won

The recently published statistics of the Czech Insurers’ Bureau have clearly confirmed the growing popularity of motor third-party liability insurance products with a price based on mileage. Mileage-based insurance won The ...

First MTPL of the year: Slovakia beats Czechia by 12 seconds

While some people spend New Year’s Eve having fun and merriment, others start fulfilling New Year’s resolutions from the first minutes of the new year, such as getting more favorable liability ...

Pillow will be the first to offer MTPL insurance for scooters

Pillow insurance company is launching a third-party liability insurance for scooters and other electric vehicles on the Czech market from 21.12.2023. With the option of a delayed start of up to ...

Pillow now offers revolutionary insurance for Slovak drivers

The fastest growing Czech insurance company is now offering its unique mileage-based car insurance to Slovak car owners. The Slovak pillow’s offer was launched after less than 4 years of successful ...

1st October = mileage-based car insurance day

The first of October marks exactly 7 years since the inception of mileage-based car insurance. And that’s why Pillow insurance company has decided to make this day the Czech pay-per-mile insurance ...